Normalized response values


failure_reason and network_advice_code are normalized fields managed by Spreedly that is sent in the API response. The values presented have been normalized across all supported gateways in Composer. See the associated gateway and network error code mapping below.

"gateway_response": {
              "outcome_data": {
                "failure_reason": "do_not_honor",
                "network_advice_code": "stop_recurring_payment"
  							"raw_payment_outcome_data": {
                  "processor_decline_code": "GENERAL_DECLINE",
                  "processorInformation.merchantAdvice.code": "21"


group_namespreedly_field_namespreedly_valueerror_typedescriptionAdyen: errors.error.errorCodeBraintree: processor-response-codeCheckout V2: response_codeCybersource: reasonCodeCybersource Rest: errorInformation.reasondLocal: status_codeNMI: response_codeOrbital: resp_codePayPal Commerce Platform (PPCP): details.issueStripe PI: decline_codeWorldpay: iso8583_return_code_code
outcome_datafailure_reasonincorrect_addresshardAddress verification failedAVS Declined27, 217205920107, 20193, 50491200, 234, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460AVS_FAILED59SHIPPING_ADDRESS_INVALID, BILLING_ADDRESS_INVALID, INVALID_PICKUP_ADDRESS, MULTIPLE_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED, MISSING_PICKUP_ADDRESSincorrect_zipN7
contact_bankhardHard errors originating from the issuing bank3, 170, 171, 172, 173, 1742044, 2041, 2043, 202020001, 20002, 20046, 200A4, 200A5, 200A6201, 232, 250CONTACT_PROCESSOR30624001PAYMENT_SOURCE_INFO_CANNOT_BE_VERIFIED, PAYMENT_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_USEDcall_issuer, do_not_try_again, no_action_taken60, 70, 01
expired_cardhardCard expiry information is incorrectExpired Card8, 201, 317, E00018200420054, 30033202EXPIRED_CARD309223, 22433, 74CARD_EXPIREDexpired_card, invalid_expiry_month, invalid_expiry_year54, 101
processor_declinedsoftCard was declined by issuing bank but can retryTransaction blocked by Adyen to prevent excessive retry fees19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 41, 44, 45, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, E00053, E00136203820004, 20104, 20182, 50001, 50002, 50005, 50020, 50021, 50022, 50023, 50025, 50030, 50070, 50100, 50150, 50180, 50240, 50260, 50399, 50401, 50402, 50403, 50404, 50406, 50407, 50408, 50409, 50410, 50441, 50451, 50452, 50453, 50454, 50471, 50481, 50492, 50494, 50499, 50501, 50513, 50531, 50599203, 232, 236, 241PROCESSOR_DECLINED321, 327200, 260. 264, 300, 400, 44019, 37, 52INSTRUMENT_DECLINED, PAYMENT_SOURCE_DECLINED_BY_PROCESSORprocessing_error
insufficient_fundssoftNot enough funds to cover transaction amountNot enough balance200120051, 50003, 50280204INSUFFICIENT_FUND302202insufficient_funds51, 116
lost_stolen_cardhardCard has been reported lost or stolen42012, 2013, 2047, 205330004, 30007, 30035, 30037, 30041, 30043205STOLEN_LOST_CARD310, 311, 313250, 251, 25204, 41, 43pickup_card, stolen_card, restricted_card, lost_card41, 43, 04, 07, 200
issuer_unavailablehardSubmitted card number does not correlate to an existing card-issuing bank or that there is a connectivity error with the issuer.Issuer Unavailable200920091, 20096, 30015, 30016207ISSUER_UNAVAILABLE221, 420, 42198issuer_not_available15, 91, 912
incorrect_cvvhardCard verification value failed validationCVC Declined44, 165, 3122060, 201020082, 20087, 20124, 200N7209, 211, 216, 230CVN_NOT_MATCH, INVALID_CVN, CV_FAILED315220, 22564incorrect_cvc, invalid_cvc82, N7
card_limit_exceededsoftCredit limit or activity limit exceededWithdrawal amount exceeded, Withdrawal count exceeded2002, 200320061, 20065, 30021, 30022, 50101, 50102, 50103, 50104, 50105, 50106, 50514, 50515, 50517, 200P1, 200P9210, 256EXCEEDS_CREDIT_LIMIT305, 319, 32520389MAX_VALUE_EXCEEDED, TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, TRANSACTION_RECEIVING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAYMENT_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDEDcard_velocity_exceeded, withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded61, 65
fraud_suspectedhardFraud suspected or security violationAcquirer Fraud, FRAUD, FRAUD-CANCELLED, Issuer Suspected Fraud128, 130, 131, 132, 141, E00054, E00056, E00057, E00096, E00104, E00116, E001182085, 2014, 2077, 202120059, 20063, 20105, 20183, 30034, 40101, 40201, 40202, 40203, 40204, 40205213, 221, 222, 244, 400, 480, 481BLACKLISTED_CUSTOMER, SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT, DECISION_PROFILE_REJECT, SCORE_EXCEEDS_THRESHOLD, DECISION_PROFILE_REVIEW, CUSTOMER_WATCHLIST_MATCH, ADDRESS_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH, EMAIL_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH, IP_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH303, 304, 31725315, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 61, 62, 63, 81, 82, 83, 84COMPLIANCE_VIOLATION, TRANSACTION_BLOCKED_BY_PAYEE, PAYEE_BLOCKED_TRANSACTIONmerchant_blacklist, fraudulent, security_violation59, 83, 59, 63
invalid_accounthardSubmitted card number is invalid or account does not existInvalid Card Number, No checking account available on Card, No savings account available on Card6, 7, 10, 37, 200, E00081, E001242005, 2007, 207520014, 20101, 50405231INVALID_ACCOUNT314, 323, 32622214, 68, 71INVALID_ACCOUNT_STATUS, INVALID_PAYER_ID, PAYEE_ACCOUNT_INVALIDinvalid_account, invalid_number, incorrect_number14, 111, 78
do_not_honorsoftThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transactionDeclined Non Generic2, 2612000, 2046, 2105, 210620005, 20012, 20179220, 240GENERAL_DECLINE300, 30120105generic_decline, do_not_honor, reenter_transaction, try_again_later79, 05
cardholder_authentication_requiredsoftThe customer's bank declined the transaction because a 3D Secure authentication was not successfully completedAuthentication required, 3DS Authentication Error117, 118, E00007, E00008209920151, 20152, 20153, 20154, 20155, 20159428, 465, 478PENDING_AUTHENTICATION, CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED320, 330, 34160CONSENT_NEEDEDauthentication_required1A
closed_cardhardAccount is closedBlocked Card210820108, 30046, 5046630826342, 44CARD_CLOSED, PAYEE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OR_CLOSEDnew_account_information_available46
transaction_not_allowedhardTransaction was denied, refer to the gateway for more detailsTransaction Not Permitted48, 50, 56, 67, 87, E001282074, 2015, 2019, 2018, 2076, 2070, 210720057, 20093, 20103, 30017, 30018, 30019208316, 318204, 261, 262, 441, 460, 46109, 12, 40, 58PERMISSION_DENIED, PERMISSION_DENIED_FOR_DONATION_ITEMScard_not_supported, not_permitted, revocation_of_all_authorizations, revocation_of_authorization, service_not_allowed, stop_payment_order, transaction_not_allowed57, 12, 93
invalid_merchant_configurationsoftInvalid merchant configuration, refer to the gateway for more details43, 87, 185, 227, E00122, E000102026, 206820003, 20157, 50200261410, 4110377, 76, 03
restricted_cardsoftIssuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card.Restricted Card205720062, 3003631256PAYER_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTEDrestricted_card62
amount_not_supportedsoftThe authorized amount is set to zero, is unreadable, or exceeds the allowable amountInvalid Amount5, 47, 49, E00031204820013, 30020, 50511, 50512235, 23913, 35, 36, 75, 77AMOUNT_MISMATCH, PREFERRED_SHIPPING_OPTION_AMOUNT_MISMATCH, CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE, CANNOT_BE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVEinvalid_amount
currency_not_supportedsoftNot supported39, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 233, 2402010687CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED, MULTI_CURRENCY_ORDERcurrency_not_supported
duplicate_transactionsoftThe gateway flagged the transaction as a duplicate11, 222, 318, E00012, E000392016, 2069237, 23830743039, 45, 85PUI_DUPLICATE_ORDER, DUPLICATE_INVOICE_IDduplicate_transaction


group_namespreedly_field_namespreedly_valueAdyen: additionalData.merchantAdviceCodeBraintree: merchant-advice-codeCheckout V2: processing.partner_merchant_advice_codeCybersource Rest: processorInformation.merchantAdvice.codeWorldpay: mac
outcome_datanetwork_advice_codenew_account_information_available01 : New account information available0101 : Updated or additional information required01, 301
cannot_approve_at_this_time_try_again_later02 : Cannot approve at this time, try again later0202 : Try again later02, 202
do_not_try_again03 : Do not try again0321 : Do not try again03, 103
token_not_supported04 : Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type0404 : Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type0404
stop_recurring_payment21 : Payment Cancellation ; Revocation Of Auth2103 : One of:account closed; suspected fraud; recurring agreement canceled2121
retry_after_1_hour24 : Retry after 1 hour2424 : Retry after one hour2424
retry_after_24_hours25 : Retry after 24 hours2525 : Retry after 24 hours2525
retry_after_2_days26 : Retry after 2 days2626 : Retry after two days2626
retry_after_4_days27 : Retry after 4 days2727 : Retry after four days2727
retry_after_6_days28 : Retry after 6 days2828 : Retry after six days2828
retry_after_8_days29 : Retry after 8 days2929 : Retry after eight days2929
retry_after_10_days30 : Retry after 10 days3030 : Retry after 10 days3030
non_reloadable_prepaid_card40 : Consumer non-reloadable prepaid card4040 : Non-reloadable prepaid card4040
single_use_virtual_card_number41 : Consumer single-use virtual card number4141 : Single-use virtual card number4141
refused_due_to_sanctions42 : Score Exceeds Applicable Threshold Value4242 : Sanction score exceeds applicable threshold value4242