Normalized response values
failure_reason and network_advice_code are normalized fields managed by Spreedly that are sent in the API response. The values presented have been normalized across all supported gateways in Composer. See the associated gateway and network error code mappings below.
"gateway_response": {
"outcome_data": {
"failure_reason": "do_not_honor",
"network_advice_code": "stop_recurring_payment"
"raw_payment_outcome_data": {
"processor_decline_code": "GENERAL_DECLINE",
"processorInformation.merchantAdvice.code": "21"
group_name | spreedly_field_name | spreedly_value | error_type | description | Adyen: refusalReason | errors.error.errorCode | BPoint: AcquirerResponseCode | Braintree: processor-response-code | Checkout V2: response_code | CommerceHub: responseCode | Cybersource: reasonCode | Cybersource Rest: errorInformation.reason | Decidir: error.type | dLocal: status_code | Ebanx: payment.transaction_status.description | NMI: response_code | Orbital: resp_code | PayPal Commerce Platform (PPCP): details.issue | Stripe: decline_code | Stripe PI: decline_code | Worldpay: iso8583_return_code_code | Vantiv eCommerce: response |
outcome_data | failure_reason | amount_not_supported | soft | The authorized amount is set to zero, is unreadable, or exceeds the allowable amount | Invalid Amount | 5, 47, 49, E00031 | 13, 23 | 2048, 91521 | 20013, 30020, 50511, 50512 | 010, 015 | 235, 239 | insufficient_amount | 13, 35, 36, 75, 77 | AMOUNT_MISMATCH, PREFERRED_SHIPPING_OPTION_AMOUNT_MISMATCH, CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE, CANNOT_BE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE | invalid_amount | invalid_amount | 162, 209, 336, 340, 341 | |||||
card_limit_exceeded | soft | Credit limit or activity limit exceeded | Withdrawal amount exceeded, Withdrawal count exceeded | 61, 65 | 2002, 2003 | 20061, 20065, 30021, 30022, 50101, 50102, 50103, 50104, 50105, 50106, 50514, 50515, 50517, 200P1, 200P9 | 011 | 210, 256 | EXCEEDS_CREDIT_LIMIT | 305, 319, 325 | 203 | 89, C5, R4 | MAX_VALUE_EXCEEDED, TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, TRANSACTION_RECEIVING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAYMENT_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED | card_velocity_exceeded, withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded | card_velocity_exceeded, withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded | 61, 65 | 127, 221, 365, 656 | |||||
cardholder_authentication_required | soft | The customer's bank declined the transaction because a 3D Secure authentication was not successfully completed | Authentication required, 3DS Authentication Error | 117, 118, E00007, E00008 | 2099 | 20151, 20152, 20153, 20154, 20155, 20159 | 048, 245 | 428, 465, 478 | PENDING_AUTHENTICATION, CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 320, 330, 341, 101 | 3-D Secure required | 60 | CONSENT_NEEDED | authentication_required | authentication_required | 1A | 354, 664, 980 | |||||
closed_card | hard | Account is closed | Blocked Card | 2108 | 20108, 30046, 50466 | 030, 031, 053 | 308 | Inactive card | 263 | 42, 44, F3 | CARD_CLOSED, PAYEE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OR_CLOSED | new_account_information_available | new_account_information_available | 46 | 501 | |||||||
contact_bank | hard | Hard errors originating from the issuing bank | 3, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174 | 27, 28, 29, 35, 37, 60, 66, 01, 15 | 2044, 2041, 2043, 2020 | 20001, 20002, 20046, 200A4, 200A5, 200A6, 20075, 6006P | 004, 005 | 201, 232, 250, 233 | CONTACT_PROCESSOR | request_authorization_card | 306 | Not accepted | 240 | 01 | PAYMENT_SOURCE_INFO_CANNOT_BE_VERIFIED, PAYMENT_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_USED | call_issuer, do_not_try_again, no_action_taken | call_issuer, do_not_try_again, no_action_taken | 60, 70, 01 | 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 130, 140, 145, 146 | |||
currency_not_supported | soft | Not supported | 39, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 233, 240 | 20106 | 87 | CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED, MULTI_CURRENCY_ORDER | currency_not_supported | currency_not_supported | 661, 662, 663 | |||||||||||||
do_not_honor | soft | The customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction | Declined Non Generic | 2, 261 | 58, 05 | 2000, 2046, 2105, 2106 | 20005, 20012, 20179,20019 | 007, 039 | 220, 240 | GENERAL_DECLINE | 300, 301 | Cannot fulfill transaction | 201 | 05, 66 | generic_decline, do_not_honor, reenter_transaction, try_again_later | generic_decline, do_not_honor, reenter_transaction, try_again_later | 79, 05 | 102, 149, 349, 330 | ||||
duplicate_transaction | soft | The gateway flagged the transaction as a duplicate | 11, 222, 318, E00012, E00039 | 26, 94 | 2016, 2069, 91504, 91506, 91564 | 009 | 237, 238, 242, 246, 246, 247, 243 | 307 | 430 | 39, 45, 85 | PUI_DUPLICATE_ORDER, DUPLICATE_INVOICE_ID | duplicate_transaction | duplicate_transaction | 111, 251, 316 | ||||||||
expired_card | hard | Card expiry information is incorrect | Expired Card | 8, 201, 317, E00018 | 33, 54 | 2004 | 20054, 30033 | 032, 033 | 202 | EXPIRED_CARD | expired_card | 309 | Expired card | 223, 224 | 33, 74 | CARD_EXPIRED | expired_card, invalid_expiry_month, invalid_expiry_year | expired_card, invalid_expiry_month, invalid_expiry_year | 54, 101 | 148, 305 | ||
fraud_suspected | hard | Fraud suspected or security violation | Acquirer Fraud, FRAUD, FRAUD-CANCELLED, Issuer Suspected Fraud | 128, 130, 131, 132, 141, E00054, E00056, E00057, E00096, E00104, E00116, E00118 | 22, 38, 63, 83, 93, 34, 59 | 2085, 2014, 2077, 2021 | 20059, 20063, 20105, 20183, 30034, 40101, 40201, 40202, 40203, 40204, 40205 | 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024 | 213, 221, 222, 244, 400, 480, 481 | BLACKLISTED_CUSTOMER, SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT, DECISION_PROFILE_REJECT, SCORE_EXCEEDS_THRESHOLD, DECISION_PROFILE_REVIEW, CUSTOMER_WATCHLIST_MATCH, ADDRESS_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH, EMAIL_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH, IP_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH | 303, 304, 317 | High risk transaction | 253 | 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 61, 62, 63, 81, 82, 83, 84, B7, BQ | COMPLIANCE_VIOLATION, TRANSACTION_BLOCKED_BY_PAYEE, PAYEE_BLOCKED_TRANSACTION | merchant_blacklist, fraudulent, security_violation | merchant_blacklist, fraudulent, security_violation | 59, 83, 59, 63 | 147, 315, 318, 550, 555, 229 | |||
incorrect_address | hard | Address verification failed | AVS Declined | 27, 217 | 2059 | 20107, 20193, 50491 | 200, 234, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460 | AVS_FAILED | Incorrect customer data | 59 | SHIPPING_ADDRESS_INVALID, BILLING_ADDRESS_INVALID, INVALID_PICKUP_ADDRESS, MULTIPLE_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED, MISSING_PICKUP_ADDRESS | incorrect_zip | incorrect_zip | N7 | 319 | |||||||
incorrect_cvv | hard | Card verification value failed validation | CVC Declined | 44, 165, 312 | 2060, 2010, 81706, 81707, 81707 | 20082, 20087, 20124, 200N7 | 012 | 209, 211, 216, 230 | CVN_NOT_MATCH, INVALID_CVN, CV_FAILED | security_code_error | 315 | Security code mismatch | 220, 225 | 64, 65 | incorrect_cvc, invalid_cvc | incorrect_cvc, invalid_cvc | 82, N7 | 226, 352, 358 | ||||
insufficient_funds | soft | Not enough funds to cover transaction amount | Not enough balance | 2001 | 20051, 50003, 50280 | 008 | 204, 251 | INSUFFICIENT_FUND | 302 | Insufficient funds | 202 | D7 | insufficient_funds | insufficient_funds | 51, 116 | 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 367, 138 | ||||||
invalid_account | hard | Submitted card number is invalid or account does not exist | Invalid Card Number, No checking account available on Card, No savings account available on Card | 6, 7, 10, 37, 200, E00081, E00124 | 21, 42, 44, 52, 53, 56, 14, 39 | 2005, 2007, 2075, 2107 | 20014, 20101, 50405, 20078, 2061, 81717, 20055, 20039 | 025, 026, 027, 046, 051 | 231 | INVALID_ACCOUNT, UNAUTHORIZED_CARD | invalid_number | 314, 323, 326 | Invalid card or card type, Invalid card number | 222, 226 | 14, 68, 71, C3, U1, F4 | INVALID_ACCOUNT_STATUS, INVALID_PAYER_ID, PAYEE_ACCOUNT_INVALID | invalid_account, invalid_number, incorrect_number, invalid_pin | invalid_account, invalid_number, incorrect_number | 14, 111, 78 | 218, 301, 302, 364, 368, 820, 992, 900 | ||
invalid_merchant_configuration | soft | Invalid merchant configuration, refer to the gateway for more details | 43, 87, 185, 227, E00122, E00010 | 20, 24, 30, 40, 55, 64, 75, 79, 82, 95, 02, 03, 06, 19, 25 | 2026, 2068, 91577. 2076 | 20003, 20157, 50200, 20030, 81604, 2025 | 261, 102, 101, 104 | 410, 411 | 03, 79, 72 | 77, 76, 03 | 103, 108, 257, 321 | |||||||||||
issuer_unavailable | hard | Submitted card number does not correlate to an existing card-issuing bank or that there is a connectivity error with the issuer. | Issuer Unavailable | 96, 31, 91, 92, 98 | 2009, 3000 | 20091, 20096, 30015, 30016, 20068 | 041 | 207, 150, 152 | ISSUER_UNAVAILABLE | 221, 420, 421 | 98, 99 | issuer_not_available, payment_method_not_available | issuer_not_available | 15, 91, 912 | 101 | |||||||
lost_stolen_card | hard | Card has been reported lost or stolen | 4 | 41, 43 | 2012, 2013, 2047, 2053 | 30004, 30007, 30035, 30037, 30041, 30043 | 017, 045, 054 | 205 | STOLEN_LOST_CARD | 310, 311, 313 | 250, 251, 252 | 04, 41, 43 | pickup_card, stolen_card, restricted_card, lost_card | pickup_card, stolen_card, restricted_card, lost_card | 41, 43, 04, 07, 200 | 207, 213, 214, 303, 304 | ||||||
processor_declined | soft | Card was declined by issuing bank but can retry | Transaction blocked by Adyen to prevent excessive retry fees | 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 41, 44, 45, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, E00053, E00136 | 90, 68 | 2038 | 20004, 20104, 20182, 50001, 50002, 50005, 50020, 50021, 50022, 50023, 50025, 50030, 50070, 50100, 50150, 50180, 50240, 50260, 50399, 50401, 50402, 50403, 50404, 50406, 50407, 50408, 50409, 50410, 50441, 50451, 50452, 50453, 50454, 50471, 50481, 50492, 50494, 50499, 50501, 50513, 50531, 50599 | 006, 035 | 203, 232, 236, 241, 233 | PROCESSOR_DECLINED | processing_error | 321, 327 | Communication mismatch, No response from acquirer, Acquirer response error, Unknown acquirer error, Cannot process transaction at this moment | 200, 260. 264, 300, 400, 440 | 19, 37, 52, S8 | INSTRUMENT_DECLINED, PAYMENT_SOURCE_DECLINED_BY_PROCESSOR | processing_error | processing_error | 206, 252, 258, 350, 370, 352 | |||
restricted_card | soft | Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card. | Restricted Card | 62, 36 | 2057, 81750 | 20062, 30036 | 028, 029, 052 | 312 | 56, PB | PAYER_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTED | restricted_card | restricted_card | 62 | 215, 307, 308, 309, 312, 317, 326 | ||||||||
transaction_not_allowed | hard | Transaction was denied, refer to the gateway for more details | Transaction Not Permitted | 48, 50, 56, 67, 87, E00128 | 12, 17, 18, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 57, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 04, 07, 99 | 2074, 2015, 2019, 2018, 2076, 2070, 2107, 2070, 1002 | 20057, 20093, 20103, 30017, 30018, 30019, 200R1, 200R3, 20058 | 013, 014, 016, 034, 036, 040 | 208, 150, 151, 242 | invalid_card | 316, 318 | Issuer does not support installments, Invalid due date | 204, 261, 262, 441, 460, 461 | 09, 12, 40, 58, 06 | PERMISSION_DENIED, PERMISSION_DENIED_FOR_DONATION_ITEMS | card_not_supported, not_permitted, revocation_of_all_authorizations, revocation_of_authorization, service_not_allowed, stop_payment_order, transaction_not_allowed | card_not_supported, not_permitted, revocation_of_all_authorizations, revocation_of_authorization, service_not_allowed, stop_payment_order, transaction_not_allowed | 57, 12, 93 | 322, 323, 325, 327, 328, 651, 360, 311 |
group_name | spreedly_field_name | spreedly_value | Adyen: additionalData.merchantAdviceCode | Braintree: merchant-advice-code | Checkout V2: processing.partner_merchant_advice_code | Cybersource Rest: processorInformation.merchantAdvice.code | Worldpay: mac |
outcome_data | network_advice_code | cannot_approve_at_this_time_try_again_later | 02 : Cannot approve at this time, try again later | 02 | 02 : Try again later, 02 | 02, 2, 99 | 02 |
do_not_try_again | 03 : Do not try again | 03 | 21 : Do not try again, 03 | 03, 1 | 03 | ||
merchant_not_enrolled | 22 | 22 | 22 | ||||
new_account_information_available | 01 : New account information available | 01 | 01 : Updated or additional information required, 01 | 01, 3, 04 | 01 | ||
non_reloadable_prepaid_card | 40 : Consumer non-reloadable prepaid card | 40 | 40 : Non-reloadable prepaid card | 40 | 40 | ||
refused_due_to_sanctions | 42 : Score Exceeds Applicable Threshold Value | 42 | 42 : Sanction score exceeds applicable threshold value | 42 | 42 | ||
retry_after_1_hour | 24 : Retry after 1 hour | 24 | 24 : Retry after one hour, 24 | 24 | 24 | ||
retry_after_24_hours | 25 : Retry after 24 hours | 25 | 25 : Retry after 24 hours, 25 | 25 | 25 | ||
retry_after_2_days | 26 : Retry after 2 days | 26 | 26 : Retry after two days, 26 | 26 | 26 | ||
retry_after_4_days | 27 : Retry after 4 days | 27 | 27 : Retry after four days, 27 | 27 | 27 | ||
retry_after_6_days | 28 : Retry after 6 days | 28 | 28 : Retry after six days, 28 | 28 | 28 | ||
retry_after_8_days | 29 : Retry after 8 days | 29 | 29 : Retry after eight days, 29 | 29 | 29 | ||
retry_after_10_days | 30 : Retry after 10 days | 30 | 30 : Retry after 10 days, 30 | 30 | 30 | ||
single_use_virtual_card_number | 41 : Consumer single-use virtual card number | 41 | 41 : Single-use virtual card number | 41 | 41 | ||
stop_recurring_payment | 21 : Payment Cancellation ; Revocation Of Auth | 21 | 03 : One of:account closed; suspected fraud; recurring agreement canceled | 21 | 21 | ||
token_not_supported | 04 : Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type | 04 | 04 : Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type | 04 | 04 |
Updated 11 days ago