Normalized response values


failure_reason and network_advice_code are normalized fields managed by Spreedly that are sent in the API response. The values presented have been normalized across all supported gateways in Composer. See the associated gateway and network error code mappings below.

"gateway_response": {
              "outcome_data": {
                "failure_reason": "do_not_honor",
                "network_advice_code": "stop_recurring_payment"
  							"raw_payment_outcome_data": {
                  "processor_decline_code": "GENERAL_DECLINE",
                  "processorInformation.merchantAdvice.code": "21"


group_namespreedly_field_namespreedly_valueerror_typedescriptionAdyen: refusalReasonAirwallex: errors.error.errorCodeBPoint: AcquirerResponseCodeBraintree: processor-response-codeCheckout V2: response_codeCommerceHub: responseCodeCybersource: reasonCodeCybersource Rest: errorInformation.reasonDecidir: error.typedLocal: status_codeEbanx: payment.transaction_status.descriptionNMI: response_codeNuvei: gwErrorReasonOrbital: resp_codePayPal Commerce Platform (PPCP): details.issueStripe: decline_codeStripe PI: decline_codeWorldpay: iso8583_return_code_codeVantiv eCommerce: response
outcome_datafailure_reasonamount_not_supportedsoftThe authorized amount is set to zero, is unreadable, or exceeds the allowable amountInvalid Amount13, 85, 1105, 47, 49, E0003113, 232048, 9152120013, 30020, 50511, 50512010, 015235, 239insufficient_amountAmount mismatch, Invalid amount13, 35, 36, 75, 77AMOUNT_MISMATCH, PREFERRED_SHIPPING_OPTION_AMOUNT_MISMATCH, CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE, CANNOT_BE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVEinvalid_amountinvalid_amount162, 209, 336, 340, 341
card_limit_exceededsoftCredit limit or activity limit exceededWithdrawal amount exceeded, Withdrawal count exceeded61, 121, 800.100.162, 800.100.163, 800.100.164, 800.100.17961, 652002, 200320061, 20065, 30021, 30022, 50101, 50102, 50103, 50104, 50105, 50106, 50514, 50515, 50517, 200P1, 200P9011210, 256EXCEEDS_CREDIT_LIMIT305, 319, 325203Activity limit exceeded, Daily threshold exceeded,
E040-The credit transaction is declined as daily credit limit is exceeded., Exceeds daily limits, Exceeds transaction limits, Exceeds withdrawal frequency, Exceeds withdrawal limit, Receiving Limit exceeded
89, C5, R4MAX_VALUE_EXCEEDED, TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, TRANSACTION_RECEIVING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAYMENT_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDEDcard_velocity_exceeded, withdrawal_count_limit_exceededcard_velocity_exceeded, withdrawal_count_limit_exceeded61, 65127, 221, 365, 656
cardholder_authentication_requiredsoftThe customer's bank declined the transaction because a 3D Secure authentication was not successfully completedAuthentication required, 3DS Authentication Error65, 1A, 119117, 118, E00007, E00008209920151, 20152, 20153, 20154, 20155, 20159048, 245428, 465, 478PENDING_AUTHENTICATION, CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED320, 330, 341, 1013-D Secure requiredFailed 3DSecure Authentication, Soft Decline - Authentication is Advised60CONSENT_NEEDEDauthentication_requiredauthentication_required1A354, 664, 980
closed_cardhardAccount is closedBlocked Card46, 189, 800.100.202210820108, 30046, 50466030, 031, 053308Inactive card263Account Closed, Closed account, Closed account by issuer. Issuer will not approve same amount in next 30 days, Closed account.42, 44, F3CARD_CLOSED, PAYEE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OR_CLOSEDnew_account_information_availablenew_account_information_available46501
contact_bankhardHard errors originating from the issuing bank01, 06, 12, 21, 22, 40, 70, 800.100.1613, 170, 171, 172, 173, 17427, 28, 29, 35, 37, 60, 66, 01, 152044, 2041, 2043, 202020001, 20002, 20046, 200A4, 200A5, 200A6, 20075, 6006P004, 005201, 232, 250, 233CONTACT_PROCESSORrequest_authorization_card306Not accepted240Acquirer validation, Call issuer, Exceeded retry limit, issuer will never approve, Invalid transaction; contact card issuer, Issuer or switch inoperative, Life Cycle, No action taken, PayPal account was not verified, please contact PayPal support, Refer to issuer, Referral, Transaction declined, please contact support!01PAYMENT_SOURCE_INFO_CANNOT_BE_VERIFIED, PAYMENT_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_USEDcall_issuer, do_not_try_again, no_action_takencall_issuer, do_not_try_again, no_action_taken60, 70, 01120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 130, 140, 145, 146
currency_not_supportedsoftNot supported183, 800.100.17339, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 233, 2402010687CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED, MULTI_CURRENCY_ORDERcurrency_not_supportedcurrency_not_supported661, 662, 663
do_not_honorsoftThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transactionDeclined Non Generic05, 100, 115, 800.100.100, 800.100.150, 800.100.152, 800.100.154, 800.100.160, 800.100.172, 800.100.176, 800.100.204, 800.100.205, 800.100.4032, 26158, 052000, 2046, 2105, 210620005, 20012, 20179,20019007, 039220, 240GENERAL_DECLINE300, 301Cannot fulfill transaction201Bank is not supported, Card declined, Card Not Eligible, Decline, Declined, Do not honor, Exceeded retry limit, issuer cannot approve at this time, GENERAL DECLINE, General Error, Generic Decline, Global General Error, Payment Denied, Process failed, Retry the transaction later, The message returned by the financial network is inconsistent., Timeout/Retry, Unable to refund, You must repeat the transaction.05, 66generic_decline, do_not_honor, reenter_transaction, try_again_latergeneric_decline, do_not_honor, reenter_transaction, try_again_later79, 05102, 149, 349, 330
duplicate_transactionsoftThe gateway flagged the transaction as a duplicate11, 222, 318, E00012, E0003926, 942016, 2069, 91504, 91506, 91564009237, 238, 242, 246, 246, 247, 243307430Already reversed, Duplicate transaction, Duplicated transaction. Try later39, 45, 85PUI_DUPLICATE_ORDER, DUPLICATE_INVOICE_IDduplicate_transactionduplicate_transaction111, 251, 316
expired_cardhardCard expiry information is incorrectExpired Card54, 101, 800.100.1578, 201, 317, E0001833, 54200420054, 30033032, 033202EXPIRED_CARDexpired_card309Expired card223, 224Expired card, Transaction expired33, 74CARD_EXPIREDexpired_card, invalid_expiry_month, invalid_expiry_yearexpired_card, invalid_expiry_month, invalid_expiry_year54, 101148, 305
fraud_suspectedhardFraud suspected or security violationAcquirer Fraud, FRAUD, FRAUD-CANCELLED, Issuer Suspected Fraud04, 07, 34, 59, 63, 64, 83, 93, 800.100.158128, 130, 131, 132, 141, E00054, E00056, E00057, E00096, E00104, E00116, E0011822, 38, 63, 83, 93, 34, 592085, 2014, 2077, 202120059, 20063, 20105, 20183, 30034, 40101, 40201, 40202, 40203, 40204, 40205018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024213, 221, 222, 244, 400, 480, 481BLACKLISTED_CUSTOMER, SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT, DECISION_PROFILE_REJECT, SCORE_EXCEEDS_THRESHOLD, DECISION_PROFILE_REVIEW, CUSTOMER_WATCHLIST_MATCH, ADDRESS_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH, EMAIL_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH, IP_COUNTRY_WATCHLIST_MATCH303, 304, 317High risk transaction253E201-Fraudulent or suspicious bank account, E202-Fraudulent or suspicious identity, E203-Fraudulent or suspicious transaction pattern, Pick up card, special condition (fraud account), PIN tried exceeded, PIN tries exceeded, Security violation, Security violations, Stolen card, pick up (fraud account), Suspected fraud, Suspected fraud by issuer. Issuer will not approve same amount in the next 30 days., Transaction cannot be completed; violation of law, Transaction does not fulfil AML requirement, Violation of Gaming Regulation, Violation, cannot complete15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 61, 62, 63, 81, 82, 83, 84, B7, BQCOMPLIANCE_VIOLATION, TRANSACTION_BLOCKED_BY_PAYEE, PAYEE_BLOCKED_TRANSACTIONmerchant_blacklist, fraudulent, security_violationmerchant_blacklist, fraudulent, security_violation59, 83, 59, 63147, 315, 318, 550, 555, 229
incorrect_addresshardAddress verification failedAVS Declined27, 217205920107, 20193, 50491200, 234, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460AVS_FAILEDIncorrect customer dataAVS Failed59SHIPPING_ADDRESS_INVALID, BILLING_ADDRESS_INVALID, INVALID_PICKUP_ADDRESS, MULTIPLE_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED, MISSING_PICKUP_ADDRESSincorrect_zipincorrect_zipN7319
incorrect_cvvhardCard verification value failed validationCVC DeclinedN7, 122, 909, 800.100.153, 800.100.19244, 165, 3122060, 2010, 81706, 81707, 8170720082, 20087, 20124, 200N7012209, 211, 216, 230CVN_NOT_MATCH, INVALID_CVN, CV_FAILEDsecurity_code_error315Security code mismatch220, 225Card Type Verification Error, CVV data is not correct, CVV2 Value supplied is invalid, Invalid CVV, Invalid CVV2, Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results, The security code or expiration date was invalid.64, 65incorrect_cvc, invalid_cvcincorrect_cvc, invalid_cvc82, N7226, 352, 358
insufficient_fundssoftNot enough funds to cover transaction amountNot enough balance51, 116, 800.100.155, 800.100.203200120051, 50003, 50280008204, 251INSUFFICIENT_FUND302Insufficient funds202Consumer Cannot Pay, Insufficient funds, Insufficient funds.D7insufficient_fundsinsufficient_funds51, 116110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 367, 138
invalid_accounthardSubmitted card number is invalid or account does not existInvalid Card Number, No checking account available on Card, No savings account available on Card14, 52, 53, 78, 79, 92, 111, 187, 800.100.151, 800.100.195, 800.100.201, 800.100.4026, 7, 10, 37, 200, E00081, E0012421, 42, 44, 52, 53, 56, 14, 392005, 2007, 2075, 210720014, 20101, 50405, 20078, 2061, 81717, 20055, 20039025, 026, 027, 046, 051231INVALID_ACCOUNT, UNAUTHORIZED_CARDinvalid_number314, 323, 326Invalid card or card type, Invalid card number222, 226Admin Card Not Found, Cannot verify PIN, Cryptographic error found in PIN, E026-Invalid customer’s bank routing/ABA number, Error in decryption of PIN block, Incorrect PIN, Invalid Account, Invalid Account Number, Invalid account specified, Invalid Card Number, No account, No credit account, No current account, No savings account, PayPal Business account is not allowed, PIN Code is required, Unable to locate, no match, User account problem, User account problem.14, 68, 71, C3, U1, F4INVALID_ACCOUNT_STATUS, INVALID_PAYER_ID, PAYEE_ACCOUNT_INVALIDinvalid_account, invalid_number, incorrect_number, invalid_pininvalid_account, invalid_number, incorrect_number14, 111, 78218, 301, 302, 364, 368, 820, 992, 900
invalid_merchant_configurationsoftInvalid merchant configuration, refer to the gateway for more details03, 30, 55, 6P, 109, 130, 181, 190, 977, 800.100.156, 800.100.174, 800.100.19043, 87, 185, 227, E00122, E0001020, 24, 30, 40, 55, 64, 75, 79, 82, 95, 02, 03, 06, 19, 252026, 2068, 91577. 207620003, 20157, 50200, 20030, 81604, 2025261, 102, 101, 104410, 411APM authentication error, Authentication Error, Authorization error, Cupon Already Used., Default, Different funding option required, E010-Invalid size of first name, End user did not complete, Format error, IM - Invalid Member Number, Incorrect request parameter, Invalid argument, Invalid argument. Unknown alias, Invalid Credit Type, Invalid Cupon., Invalid 'From' account specified, Invalid Issue Number, Invalid merchant, Invalid Merchant ID, Invalid phone number., Invalid request parameter., Invalid service code, restricted, Invalid 'To' account specified, Missing mandatory field, Payee First Name / Last Name is missing or invalid, Re-enter transaction, Routing error, SC_MISSING_MANDATORY_FIELD, The Email field is mandatory, Verification data failed03, 79, 7277, 76, 03103, 108, 257, 321
issuer_unavailablehardSubmitted card number does not correlate to an existing card-issuing bank or that there is a connectivity error with the issuer.Issuer Unavailable15, 80, 90, 91, 96, 91296, 31, 91, 92, 982009, 300020091, 20096, 30015, 30016, 20068041207, 150, 152ISSUER_UNAVAILABLE221, 420, 421Card not found - non-participating BIN/issuer, Card not found - participating BIN/issuer, E002-System error, External Error In Processing, No such issuer, Payment method Technical Error, System Error, System not available, Tsys Filter - An error occured, UNEXPECTED SYSTEM ERROR - PLEASE RETRY LATER, Unknown Error98, 99issuer_not_available, payment_method_not_availableissuer_not_available15, 91, 912101
lost_stolen_cardhardCard has been reported lost or stolen41, 43, 200, 800.100.159, 800.100.165, 800.100.171441, 432012, 2013, 2047, 205330004, 30007, 30035, 30037, 30041, 30043017, 045, 054205STOLEN_LOST_CARD310, 311, 313250, 251, 252Lost card, pick up (fraud account), Lost card, pick-up, Lost/Stolen, Stolen card, pick up, Stolen card, pick-up04, 41, 43pickup_card, stolen_card, restricted_card, lost_cardpickup_card, stolen_card, restricted_card, lost_card41, 43, 04, 07, 200207, 213, 214, 303, 304
processor_declinedsoftCard was declined by issuing bank but can retryTransaction blocked by Adyen to prevent excessive retry fees19, 5719, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 41, 44, 45, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, E00053, E0013690, 68203820004, 20104, 20182, 50001, 50002, 50005, 50020, 50021, 50022, 50023, 50025, 50030, 50070, 50100, 50150, 50180, 50240, 50260, 50399, 50401, 50402, 50403, 50404, 50406, 50407, 50408, 50409, 50410, 50441, 50451, 50452, 50453, 50454, 50471, 50481, 50492, 50494, 50499, 50501, 50513, 50531, 50599006, 035203, 232, 236, 241, 233PROCESSOR_DECLINEDprocessing_error321, 327Communication mismatch, No response from acquirer, Acquirer response error, Unknown acquirer error, Cannot process transaction at this moment200, 260. 264, 300, 400, 440Process canceled, Process cancelled., No update, but the account is valid19, 37, 52, S8INSTRUMENT_DECLINED, PAYMENT_SOURCE_DECLINED_BY_PROCESSORprocessing_errorprocessing_error206, 252, 258, 350, 370, 352
restricted_cardsoftIssuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card.Restricted Card62, 800.100.16862, 362057, 8175020062, 30036028, 029, 052312Black listed by APM, Blocked, first used-transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked, Payment not authorized by user, Payment not authorized by user., Pick up card (no fraud), Pick-up card, Rejected by carrier., Restricted card, Restricted card/bank account, Transaction not permitted on terminal, Transaction not permitted to cardholder, Transaction not permitted to cardholder., Transaction not permitted-Card, Transaction not permitted-Terminal56, PBPAYER_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTEDrestricted_cardrestricted_card62215, 307, 308, 309, 312, 317, 326
transaction_not_allowedhardTransaction was denied, refer to the gateway for more detailsTransaction Not Permitted82, R0, R1, R3, 978, 800.100.169, 800.100.170, 800.100.200, 800.100.500, 800.100.50148, 50, 56, 67, 87, E0012812, 17, 18, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 57, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 04, 07, 992074, 2015, 2019, 2018, 2076, 2070, 2107, 2070, 100220057, 20093, 20103, 30017, 30018, 30019, 200R1, 200R3, 20058013, 014, 016, 034, 036, 040208, 150, 151, 242invalid_card316, 318Issuer does not support installments, Invalid due date204, 261, 262, 441, 460, 461Customer has not given consent for PSD2 payment, Denied, do not repeat before 72 hours., Invalid transaction, Revocation of all authorizations order, Revocation of authorization order, Transaction cannot be completed, Transaction is aborted., Transaction Not Found, User aborted the transaction09, 12, 40, 58, 06PERMISSION_DENIED, PERMISSION_DENIED_FOR_DONATION_ITEMScard_not_supported, not_permitted, revocation_of_all_authorizations, revocation_of_authorization, service_not_allowed, stop_payment_order, transaction_not_allowedcard_not_supported, not_permitted, revocation_of_all_authorizations, revocation_of_authorization, service_not_allowed, stop_payment_order, transaction_not_allowed57, 12, 93322, 323, 325, 327, 328, 651, 360, 311


group_namespreedly_field_namespreedly_valueAdyen: additionalData.merchantAdviceCodeAirWallex: details.merchant_advice_codeBraintree: merchant-advice-codeCheckout V2: processing.partner_merchant_advice_codeCybersource Rest: processorInformation.merchantAdvice.codeNuvei: merchantAdviceCodeWorldpay: mac
outcome_datanetwork_advice_codecannot_approve_at_this_time_try_again_later02 : Cannot approve at this time, try again later020202 : Try again later, 0202, 2, 9902, 4202
do_not_try_again03 : Do not try again030321 : Do not try again, 0303, 103, 2103
new_account_information_available01 : New account information available01, 040101 : Updated or additional information required, 0101, 3, 040101
non_reloadable_prepaid_card40 : Consumer non-reloadable prepaid card4040 : Non-reloadable prepaid card404040
refused_due_to_sanctions42 : Score Exceeds Applicable Threshold Value4242 : Sanction score exceeds applicable threshold value4242
retry_after_1_hour24 : Retry after 1 hour2424 : Retry after one hour, 24242424
retry_after_24_hours25 : Retry after 24 hours2525 : Retry after 24 hours, 25252525
retry_after_2_days26 : Retry after 2 days2626 : Retry after two days, 26262626
retry_after_4_days27 : Retry after 4 days2727 : Retry after four days, 27272727
retry_after_6_days28 : Retry after 6 days2828 : Retry after six days, 28282828
retry_after_8_days29 : Retry after 8 days2929 : Retry after eight days, 29292929
retry_after_10_days30 : Retry after 10 days3030 : Retry after 10 days, 30303030
single_use_virtual_card_number41 : Consumer single-use virtual card number4141 : Single-use virtual card number414141
stop_recurring_payment21 : Payment Cancellation ; Revocation Of Auth212103 : One of:account closed; suspected fraud; recurring agreement canceled2121
token_not_supported04 : Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type0404 : Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type040404