This page will help you create and identify API credentials to set up Spreedly's API
Spreedly API
These are the API reference documents for version 1 of the Spreedly API (prev. Spreedly Core).
API v1 is a standard REST-style API that accepts/returns XML
requests and is located at:
Using the API
API authentication
To authenticate to Spreedly's API, you will need an environment key and an access secret. These credentials can be created in the merchant portal. Please review our application overview for instructions, noting Spreedly's best-practices for account setup and API credential management for further details.
Unless otherwise noted, all calls to the Spreedly API use HTTP basic authentication over HTTPS. Spreedly requires TLS 1.2.
Use the environment key of the Spreedly environment you wish to execute against as the HTTP basic user, and one of your organization’s access secrets as the HTTP basic password.
HTTP basic authentication can be set when using curl
in the -u
option as environment-key:access-secret
$ curl -u 'env_key:secret'
Credential management
Once you've obtained an environment key of your choosing, you will need to generate an access secret in that environment to complete authentication. Be sure to use unique naming conventions and copy down the access secret, as it will not be accessible following the initial creation window.
JSON endpoints
To make a request for the JSON version of an endpoint, send the Content-Type: application/json
header to the endpoint with the .json
URL suffix.
JSON endpoint examples are contained within the json
tab of the code column here in docs. If a particular snippet is ambiguous to format, it will be displayed in all code tabs without label.
XML endpoints
To make a request for the XML version of an endpoint, send the Content-Type: application/xml
header to the endpoint with the .xml
URL suffix.
XML endpoint examples are contained within the xml
tab of the code column here in docs. If a particular snippet is ambiguous to format, it will be displayed in all code tabs without label.
Request variables are displayed as <var_name>
in docs. Anytime a variable exists in an example API request, it will be defined in the associated request/response areas. Required fields will be marked as such in the request body area of the reference documentation.
POST /v1/gateways/<gateway_token>/verify.<format> HTTPS/1.1
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Content-Type: application/<format>
"transaction": {
"payment_method_token": "56wyNnSmuA6CWYP7w0MiYCVIbW6",
"retain_on_success": true
Parameter | Required/Optional | Description |
gateway_token | required | The token of the gateway to execute against |
format | required | One of json or xml |
API examples
These reference docs are meant to clearly define URLs, parameters, request bodies, responses and error states of the Spreedly API. Most sections will be accompanied by the HTTP representation of the API call in the right-most column and should be easily translated to the equivalent curl
(or other library) command.
For instance, the following HTTP request:
Is equivalent to the following curl
The response section immediately follows the request and outputs the following HTTP response code:
along with the response body: