Collect payment methods
There are a variety of ways to collect payment methods using Spreedly's Open Payments platform. Our recommendation to most customers is to user our iFrame payment form, which is a pure JavaScript library that provides two Spreedly-managed fields for collecting the card number and CVV (the two PCI-sensitive fields of a payment method). No cookies are used to provide this functionality. Your host page places and styles these two fields within the checkout form, and the iFrame returns a tokenized payment method to the host page when the payment method has been successfully submitted.
Some organizations prefer to utilize our API to create payment methods, or perhaps they are migrating existing payment methods to Spreedly's secure token vault. Follow the steps below to learn more about collecting payment methods with Spreedly.
Payment methods
- Create payment methods in the new environment(s). This should be utilized if running a self-managed migration. POST to payment-methods endpoint for each new payment method.
Note: If you are only allowing payment method creation via the Spreedly iframe, update the environment created with
allow_direct_api_payment_method_creation: false
- Migrate existing payment methods to Spreedly in order to utilize Spreedly functionality with your current portfolio of customer data. This can be accomplished with our Support team by working with the current provider to currently transfer PAN data and providing back the associated Spreedly token. Visit our guide on importing payment methods for more information.
- Collect new payment methods with Spreedly. Most merchants use Spreedly's iFrame payment form to ensure a secure tokenization experience while incurring minimal PCI scope. Read more about how you can collect payment information and provide various supported payment methodswith Spreedly in the following sections.
Updated 8 months ago