iFrame API ThreeDS lifecycle

API docs for version 1 of the Spreedly iFrame Javascript API.

Spreedly ThreeDS Lifecycle object is used to help simplify your frontend integration of Spreedly 3DS solutions.

The Lifecycle object polls the Spreedly backend and emits events when the transaction changes status or times out. When a 3DS Challenge needs to be displayed to a cardholder, it will create an <iframe> element and inject it with the <form> from the acquiring bank.

ThreeDS Lifecycle



environmentKeyThe key of the Spreedly environment where the payment method should be tokenizedOptional
hiddenIframeLocationThe DOM node that you’d like to inject hidden iFramesRequired
challengeIframeLocationThe DOM node that you’d like to inject the challenge flowRequired
transactionTokenThe token for the transaction - used to poll for stateRequired
challengeIframeClassesThe css classes that you’d like to apply to the challenge iFrameOptional
var lifecycle = new Spreedly.ThreeDS.Lifecycle({
  // The key of the Spreedly environment where the payment method should be tokenized
  environmentKey: '...', // (highly recommended)

  // The DOM node that you'd like to inject hidden iframes
  hiddenIframeLocation: 'device-fingerprint', // (required)

  // The DOM node that you'd like to inject the challenge flow
  challengeIframeLocation: 'challenge', // (required)

  // The token for the transaction - used to poll for state
  transactionToken: '...', // (required)

  // The css classes that you'd like to apply to the challenge iframe.
  // e.g. 'red-border left-positioned custom-styles'
  challengeIframeClasses: '...', // (optional)


Starts Spreedly’s 3DSecure asynchronous flow once it is completely setup using the new constructor.





Before start() is invoked, the following events need to be wired with the Spreedly.on listener.

3ds:statusSetup event handling and kickoff 3DSecure lifecycle

browser info

Gathers relevant browser information needed by SCA providers to help determine if a challenge flow is necessary. Also gathers information about the desired size of the challenge frame, and needed accept headers. This function returns a base64 encoded string that will be submitted via your backend request to authorize or purchase for 3DS. See Spreedly's 3DS guide for more details on how to use this function.


challenge_window_sizeThis is a value that represents the desired size of the challenge window if a challenge is needed during the 3DS flow.Optional
accept_headerThe accept headers allowed by your server. Defaults to text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml if no value is passed.Optional
const challenge_window_size = '04';
const acceptHeader = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml'

const browser_info = Spreedly.ThreeDS.serialize(challenge_window_size, acceptHeader);

Valid values for challenge_window_size are:

ValueCorrelating size
01250px x 400px
02390px x 300px
03500px x 600px
04600px x 400px