Adyen gateway guide

Additional notes
Adyen defaults to immediately capturing an authorize request, but this is customizable to delayed or manual capture in your Adyen Merchant Account. Change your capture setting to manual if you intend to use authorize separately from captures.
If using Manual or Dynamic 3D Secure, your capture setting must be manual in order to use authorize or purchase requests. If you prefer to use immediate or delayed auto-capture, making an authorize request will complete in a capture.
For most gateways, a successful response from a capture or credit (refund) request indicates that the request to perform these actions has successfully been received by the gateway, not that the transaction has been successfully processed. At the card network level, these actions are queued up and performed in batches at certain intervals. If you would like to receive confirmation that the action has been successfully performed through the card network, you may set up notifications from Adyen by following the directions in the Adyen Customer Area.
Be sure to set the attempt_3dsecure flag to true in the transaction request if you are using Adyen for gateway specific 3DS authentication. If you forget to include this field on your request, you may see the following error message: 'Received unexpected 3DS authentication response, but a 3DS initiation flag was not included in the request.'
Spreedly is sending PAN data on your behalf to the Adyen integration. Please reach out to Adyen Support ([email protected] ) to have them enable the API PCI Payments Role for you to send PAN data. This is a requirement that must be completed before you can start testing payments with Adyen.
Spreedly recommends generating and using a US specific live URL prefix to point traffic to a US datacenter in order to reduce latency with the Adyen gateway. See 'Specifying a merchant subdomain' below.
Adyen requires country to be provided as a request parameter. If no country is stored with the payment method token or included in the transaction billing_address, Spreedly will supply ZZ as the country code for the transaction, per Adyen’s specifications.

Adding an Adyen gateway

To add an Adyen gateway:

curl \
  -u 'C7cRfNJGODKh4Iu5Ox3PToKjniY:4UIuWybmdythfNGPqAqyQnYha6s451ri0fYAo4p3drZUi7q2Jf4b7HKg8etDtoKJ' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
  -d '<gateway>
  <description nil="true"/>
  <merchant_profile_key nil="true"/>
  <sub_merchant_key nil="true"/>
    <supports_purchase type="boolean">true</supports_purchase>
    <supports_authorize type="boolean">true</supports_authorize>
    <supports_capture type="boolean">true</supports_capture>
    <supports_credit type="boolean">true</supports_credit>
    <supports_general_credit type="boolean">true</supports_general_credit>
    <supports_void type="boolean">true</supports_void>
    <supports_adjust type="boolean">true</supports_adjust>
    <supports_verify type="boolean">true</supports_verify>
    <supports_reference_purchase type="boolean">false</supports_reference_purchase>
    <supports_purchase_via_preauthorization type="boolean">false</supports_purchase_via_preauthorization>
    <supports_offsite_purchase type="boolean">false</supports_offsite_purchase>
    <supports_offsite_authorize type="boolean">false</supports_offsite_authorize>
    <supports_offsite_synchronous_purchase type="boolean">false</supports_offsite_synchronous_purchase>
    <supports_offsite_synchronous_authorize type="boolean">false</supports_offsite_synchronous_authorize>
    <supports_3dsecure_purchase type="boolean">true</supports_3dsecure_purchase>
    <supports_3dsecure_authorize type="boolean">true</supports_3dsecure_authorize>
    <supports_3dsecure_2_mpi_purchase type="boolean">true</supports_3dsecure_2_mpi_purchase>
    <supports_3dsecure_2_mpi_authorize type="boolean">true</supports_3dsecure_2_mpi_authorize>
    <supports_store type="boolean">true</supports_store>
    <supports_remove type="boolean">true</supports_remove>
    <supports_fraud_review type="boolean">false</supports_fraud_review>
    <supports_network_tokenization type="boolean">true</supports_network_tokenization>
    <supports_populate_mit_fields type="boolean">true</supports_populate_mit_fields>
    <supports_3dsecure_2_purchase type="boolean">true</supports_3dsecure_2_purchase>
    <supports_3dsecure_2_authorize type="boolean">true</supports_3dsecure_2_authorize>
  <redacted type="boolean">false</redacted>
  <sandbox type="boolean">false</sandbox>
  <created_at type="dateTime">2023-06-26T15:44:41Z</created_at>
  <updated_at type="dateTime">2023-06-26T15:44:41Z</updated_at>

ACH/Bank Account Transactions

ACH/Bank Account payments are supported for all transactions with the execption of general credit. In order to process ACH/Bank Account transactions with Adyen, special setup is required. Enable ACH payment method in your account dashboard or contact your Adyen account manager or Adyen Support if you need further assistance.

Required fields for all transactions:

Spreedly fieldAdyen field

Specifying a merchant subdomain

Spreedly recommends generating and using a US specific live URL prefix to point traffic to a US datacenter in order to reduce latency with the Adyen gateway. You can do so by creating a subdomain prefix in your Adyen backend and passing in the value using the subdomain gateway specific field on a call to add or update a gateway token. This will prepend the prefix value specified in the subdomain credential to Adyen’s standard live URL, allowing traffic to be routed to a subdomain provided by Adyen. This field expects a format of [hex-encoded string]-[company name] as noted in Adyen’s docs. If you do not specify a prefix then traffic is routed to Adyen’s default live URL in Europe.

Third-party 3D Secure Auth Data

Spreedly will automatically handle the field mapping for sending third-party 3DS2 authentication data to Adyen. For more information about how to use this feature, see the 3DS2 Third-party Authentication Guide. Spreedly fields map to the relevant Adyen fields as described in the following table. Please see Adyen’s third-party 3DS2 documentation for detailed descriptions of each of these fields and when to use them.

Spreedly fieldAdyen Field

Setup to support Store operation

In order to use Third Party Vaulting via the Store operation with Adyen, special setup is required. In your Adyen dashboard at ( for testing), under the Settings tab, in the “API and Response” panel, the “Recurring details” flag must be enabled. You may instead inquire with your Adyen account manager to enable this.

Furthermore, when storing a card, you must pass a unique shopper_reference gateway specific field per cardholder.

This store operation includes Adyen’s authorization of the payment method. To store the card without performing an authorization, pass the boolean gateway specific field tokenize_only as true. This will route the request to Adyen’s storeToken endpoint, bypassing card authorization. The option to store a card without authorization is an account-specific feature and must be enabled by Adyen. Please contact your Adyen account manager or Adyen Support to enable your account if you would like to utilize the functionality of storeToken.

Gateway specific fields

Spreedly supports the following gateway specific fields when transacting with a Adyen gateway:

  • shopper_reference
  • shopper_statement
  • localized_shopper_statement
  • fraud_offset
  • selected_brand
  • delivery_date
  • merchant_order_reference
  • shopper_interaction
  • installments
  • recurring_processing_model
  • brand_override
  • custom_routing_flag
  • user_agent
  • accept_header
  • risk_data
  • threed_dynamic
  • idempotency_key
  • device_fingerprint
  • capture_delay_hours
  • splits
  • tokenize_only
  • recurring_contract_type
  • recurring_detail_reference
  • sub_merchant_id
  • sub_merchant_name
  • sub_merchant_street
  • sub_merchant_city
  • sub_merchant_state
  • sub_merchant_postal_code
  • sub_merchant_country
  • sub_merchant_tax_id
  • sub_merchant_mcc
  • cancel_or_refund
  • network_transaction_id
  • verify_amount
  • level_2_data
  • level_3_data
  • additional_data_airline
  • additional_data_lodging
  • store
  • mcc
  • metadata
  • manual_capture

When adding level_2_data field pass an object with:

  • total_tax_amount
  • customer_reference

When adding level_3_data field pass an object with:

  • total_tax_amount
  • customer_reference
  • freight_amount
  • destination_state_province_code
  • ship_from_postal_code
  • order_date
  • destination_postal_code
  • destination_country_code
  • duty_amount
  • items which is an array of objects, each containing:
    • description
    • product_code
    • commodity_code
    • quantity
    • unit_of_measure
    • unit_price
    • discount_amount
    • total_amount

When adding additional_data_airline field pass an object with:

  • agency_invoice_number
  • agency_plan_name
  • airline_code
  • airline_designator_code
  • boarding_fee
  • computerized_reservation_system
  • customer_reference_number
  • document_type
  • flight_date
  • ticket_issue_address
  • ticket_number
  • travel_agency_code
  • travel_agency_name
  • passenger_name
  • legs which is an array of objects, each containing:
    • carrier_code
    • class_of_travel
    • date_of_travel
    • depart_airport
    • depart_tax
    • destination_code
    • fare_base_code
    • flight_number
    • stop_over_code
  • passenger which is an object containing:
    • date_of_birth
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • telephone_number
    • traveller_type

When adding additional_data_lodging field pass an object with:

  • check_in_date
  • check_out_date
  • customer_service_toll_free_number
  • fire_safety_act_indicator
  • folio_cash_advances
  • folio_number
  • food_beverage_charges
  • no_show_indicator
  • prepaid_expenses
  • property_phone_number
  • number_of_nights
  • rate
  • total_room_tax
  • total_tax
  • duration
  • market

If shopper_interaction is not passed, it will be determined based on the presence of a payment CVV. You can also have shopper_interaction and recurring_processing_model defined based on Spreedly’s first class support for sending stored credential data. Learn more about how Spreedly enables seamless use of stored credentials between different gateways.

When carrying out a merchant-initiated transaction, Spreedly will pass a transaction submitted with a reason_type of unscheduled as a CardOnFile transaction. A stored credential used with any other reason_type will be passed as a Subscription transaction. These values can be replaced by providing a value for the recurring_processing_model field. When storing a payment method or transacting via a reference to a past transaction rather than with a live payment method, a recurring contract type of RECURRING will be sent by default, but may be overridden by supplying a value for recurring_contract_type.

shopper_reference is required for Third-party vaulting via the store action, and it should be unique per cardholder.

When removing a card using the remove_from_gateway option, shopper_reference and recurring_detail_reference are required.

recurring_detail_reference can also be passed during Purchase, Authorize and General Credit transactions. This field corresponds to the Adyen field selectedRecurringDetailReference.

Both user_agent and accept_header may be required when completing a 3DS transaction. To use Adyen’s Dynamic 3D Secure authentication, send the optional threed_dynamic field set to true. This must be used in combination with Spreedly’s 3DS process, by also sending the attempt_3dsecure transaction-level property set to true. Your Adyen merchant account must be enabled for Dynamic 3DS in order to use this feature. For more information and requirements, see Adyen’s docs.

You can specify certain risk-related fields in a JSON blob supplied via the risk_data field. For more information and which sub-fields are available, see Adyen’s docs.

Use an idempotency_key to retry a request multiple times, without risk of duplication. See Adyen’s documentation to learn more about how to use API idempotency.

If your Adyen integration is set to auto-capture, you may provide a value for capture_delay_hours to specify when the capture should occur.

The value of the Adyen field shopper_ip is passed from the top-level transaction field ip. If the ip field is left blank, then this value will default to the loopback address To pass a nil value for the shopper_ip to Adyen, submit 'omit' as the value for the top-level ip field. For more information, see the API documentation for purchase requests.

cancel_or_refund can be used on void transactions to execute a request against the cancelOrRefund endpoint on Adyen.

The store gateway specific field is the ecommerce or point-of-sale store that is processing the payment. Please note, it’s important to use the store name exactly as Adyen has issued or it may not be recognized and could cause the transaction to fail. See Adyen’s documentation to learn more Adyen’s docs.

metadata is an object that will allow up to 20 key-value pairs per request. There are character limitations: maximum 20 characters per key, maximum 80 characters per value.

The optional manual_capture can be used to enable manual capture for that transaction without changing the capture settings for your merchant account. After the payment is authorised, the amount is not captured until you send a manual capture request. See Adyen’s documentation to learn more.

The localized_shopper_statementobject lets you use dynamic values for your shopper statement in a local character set. Adyen currently supports the ja-Kana character set for Visa and Mastercard payments in Japan using Japanese cards.

For AFT related requests, the optional fields fund_source and fund_destination can be used on authorise transactions. Please pay special attention to the camel casing of walletIdentifier and fundingSource field in the example below.

curl \
  -u 'C7cRfNJGODKh4Iu5Ox3PToKjniY:4UIuWybmdythfNGPqAqyQnYha6s451ri0fYAo4p3drZUi7q2Jf4b7HKg8etDtoKJ' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
  -d '<transaction>
            <shopper_statement>Statement info</shopper_statement>
              <ja-Kana>ADYEN - セラーA</ja-Kana>
            <user_agent>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052912 Firefox/3.0</user_agent>
            <risk_data><![CDATA[{"operatingSystem": "HAL9000",  "destinationLatitude": "77.641423", "destinationLongitude": "12.9503376"}]]></risk_data>
            <sub_merchant_name>Buy Things Here</sub_merchant_name>
            <sub_merchant_street>123 Merchant St</sub_merchant_street>
            <sub_merchant_city>Merchant City</sub_merchant_city>
              <agency_plan_name>plan name</agency_plan_name>
              <passenger_name>Joe Doe</passenger_name>
              <legs type="array">
            <store>Sample Store</store>
              <shopper_email>[email protected]</shopper_email>
  <on_test_gateway type="boolean">true</on_test_gateway>
  <created_at type="dateTime">2023-09-18T17:53:22Z</created_at>
  <updated_at type="dateTime">2023-09-18T17:53:22Z</updated_at>
  <succeeded type="boolean">true</succeeded>
  <order_id nil="true"/>
  <ip nil="true"/>
  <description nil="true"/>
  <email nil="true"/>
  <merchant_name_descriptor nil="true"/>
  <merchant_location_descriptor nil="true"/>
  <merchant_profile_key nil="true"/>
      <shopper_statement>Statement info</shopper_statement>
      	<ja-Kana>ADYEN - セラーA</ja-Kana>
      <user_agent>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052912 Firefox/3.0</user_agent>
      <risk_data>{"operatingSystem": "HAL9000",  "destinationLatitude": "77.641423", "destinationLongitude": "12.9503376"}</risk_data>
      <splits type="array">
      <sub_merchant_name>Buy Things Here</sub_merchant_name>
      <sub_merchant_street>123 Merchant St</sub_merchant_street>
      <sub_merchant_city>Merchant City</sub_merchant_city>
        <agency_plan_name>plan name</agency_plan_name>
        <passenger_name>Joe Doe</passenger_name>
        <legs type="array">
      <store>Sample Store</store>
        <shopper_email>[email protected]</shopper_email>
  <sub_merchant_key nil="true"/>
  <gateway_latency_ms type="integer">1</gateway_latency_ms>
  <warning nil="true"/>
  <application_id nil="true"/>
  <amount type="integer">100</amount>
  <local_amount nil="true"/>
  <retain_on_success type="boolean">false</retain_on_success>
  <payment_method_added type="boolean">false</payment_method_added>
  <smart_routed type="boolean">false</smart_routed>
  <stored_credential_initiator nil="true"/>
  <stored_credential_reason_type nil="true"/>
  <stored_credential_alternate_gateway nil="true"/>
  <populate_mit_fields type="boolean">false</populate_mit_fields>
  <message key="messages.transaction_succeeded">Succeeded!</message>
    <name>Newfirst Newlast</name>
    <address1 nil="true"/>
    <address2 nil="true"/>
    <city nil="true"/>
    <state nil="true"/>
    <zip nil="true"/>
    <country nil="true"/>
    <phone_number nil="true"/>
    <success type="boolean">true</success>
    <message>Successful purchase</message>
    <avs_code nil="true"/>
    <avs_message nil="true"/>
    <cvv_code nil="true"/>
    <cvv_message nil="true"/>
    <pending type="boolean">false</pending>
    <result_unknown type="boolean">false</result_unknown>
    <error_code nil="true"/>
    <error_detail nil="true"/>
    <cancelled type="boolean">false</cancelled>
    <fraud_review nil="true"/>
    <created_at type="dateTime">2023-09-18T17:53:22Z</created_at>
    <updated_at type="dateTime">2023-09-18T17:53:22Z</updated_at>
    <created_at type="dateTime">2017-06-26T17:04:38Z</created_at>
    <updated_at type="dateTime">2023-09-18T15:43:06Z</updated_at>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
        <some_other_things>Can be anything really</some_other_things>
    <test type="boolean">true</test>
      <key>string value</key>
    <callback_url nil="true"/>
    <month type="integer">3</month>
    <year type="integer">2032</year>
    <address1 nil="true"/>
    <address2 nil="true"/>
    <city nil="true"/>
    <state nil="true"/>
    <zip nil="true"/>
    <country nil="true"/>
    <phone_number nil="true"/>
    <company nil="true"/>
    <full_name>Newfirst Newlast</full_name>
    <eligible_for_card_updater type="boolean">true</eligible_for_card_updater>
    <shipping_address1 nil="true"/>
    <shipping_address2 nil="true"/>
    <shipping_city nil="true"/>
    <shipping_state nil="true"/>
    <shipping_zip nil="true"/>
    <shipping_country nil="true"/>
    <shipping_phone_number nil="true"/>
    <issuer_identification_number nil="true"/>
    <click_to_pay type="boolean">false</click_to_pay>
    <managed nil="true"/>
  <attempt_3dsecure type="boolean">false</attempt_3dsecure>

In addition to the above list of gateway specific fields, the generic Spreedly fields for shipping_address map to the Adyen deliveryAddress fields. In order to send an Adyen deliveryAddress, the shipping_address fields can be specified either when creating a new payment method or as part of a transaction request. Note that the Spreedly field address1 maps to the Adyen field street, while address2 maps to houseNumberOrName.

Gateway specific response fields

A Purchase response from Adyen gateway should contain the authorization_reference, auth_code, card_payment_method, and funding_source fields, which you can find in the gateway_specific_response_fields.

The authorization_reference is the pspReference of the Authorization call portion of the Purchase request.

Some optional gateway_specific_response_fields are: merchant_advice_code, acquirer_code, payment_method_brand, payment_method_variant, acquirer, acquirer_account, fraud_result_type, fraud_manual_review, fraud_result, issuer_country, refusal_reason_raw, and recurring_detail_reference.

Some of these optional fields, for example fraud_result_type, fraud_manual_review, fraud_result, refusal_reason_raw and recurring_detail_reference will only appear in responses if you have enabled these fields on your Adyen account using Adyen’s admin UI. For more information, please consult Adyen’s documentation or contact Adyen support.

In rare instances, you could receive a transient_error. This is a temporary error that has no side effects and can be retried. For example, it could come from a race condition of sending two payment requests with the same idempotency key at the same time. One will end up being processed while the other will return a transient error. Please refer to Adyen's documentation for more details.

For example, a Purchase transaction could have something like this:

       <merchant_advice_code>03 : Do not try again</merchant_advice_code>
       <refusal_reason_raw>00 : Approved or completed successfully</refusal_reason_raw>

A successful Store response should contain a recurring_detail_reference.

To request any gateway_specific_fields or gateway_specific_response_fields, please contact Support with your request and the gateway documentation for the fields of interest.

3DS exemptions

There are a few different ways to request exemptions on Adyen. If you use Adyen’s Dynamic 3D Secure service, you may pass the threed_dynamic field in order to utilize the custom rules you have set up. Otherwise, Adyen will attempt to automatically apply for relevant exemptions using their Authentication Engine. Regardless of which approach you take, there are a few cases where you will need to set specific fields in order to correctly mark your transaction, as outlined below:


For any MOTO transaction, pass in the field shopper_interaction set to moto.


Merchant initiated transactions are considered out-of-scope by default. By properly setting the shopper_interaction and recurring_processing_model, you can ensure that your recurring transactions have the best chance of being marked as such. Pass the appropriate values for these fields as defined here, or check out Spreedly’s implementation of stored credentials. Note: Make sure that your account is configured to send back the networkTxReference when initiating a new recurring transaction. You can do this by going into your Adyen account and selecting API URLs > Additional Data Settings > Network Transaction Reference, or contacting Adyen support.