Update for GooglePay transactions on StripePaymentIntents gateway

Spreedly now sends input_method: 'GooglePay' via metadata for all GooglePay PAN ONLY (FPAN) transactions on StripePaymentIntents gateway. This new field helps StripePaymentIntents recognize these transactions a GooglePay since GooglePay FPAN transactions are treated a CreditCards.


Support for new PMD receivers

Spreedly now supports wex and wizz_air as payment method receivers. See our list of supported receiver types for more information.


Support gateway specific field for the MercadoPago gateway

Spreedly now supports the idempotency_key gateway specific field for the MercadoPago gateway. Please see the gateway guide for more information. Please also note the announcement that was made by MercadoPago regarding this new requirement.


Support gateway specific response field for NMI

Spreedly now supports thecustomer_vault_id gateway specific response field for NMI. For more information, please see the gateway guide for gateway specific response fields.


Support gateway specific fields for the NMI gateway

Spreedly now supports the customer_vault and customer_vauld_id gateway specific field for the NMI gateway. For more information, please see the gateway guide for gateway specific fields.


Add hostnames to PMD receivers

Spreedly now supports additional hostnames for the navitaire, pbsc, prisma, and tokenex receivers. See our list of supported receiver types for more information.


Support gateway specific response field for Stripe Payment Intents

Spreedly now supports the stripe_should_retry and idempotent_replayed gateway specific response fields for Stripe Payment Intents. For more information, please see the gateway guide for gateway specific response fields.


Support gateway specific response fields for Adyen

Spreedly now returns the transient_error gateway specific response field on qualifying transactions for the Adyen Gateway. For more information, please see the gateway guide.


Datatrans: Third-party vaulting support

Spreedly has enabled the support of Third-Party Vaulting for the Datatrans gateway. For more information, please see the gateway guide.


Support gateway specific response field for Stripe Payment Intents

Spreedly now supports the stripe_payment_method_token gateway specific response field for Stripe Payment Intents. For more information, please see the gateway guide.